My goal had always been to work my way into becoming a comic book editor for a company, but when I graduated undergrad I was hit with the reality that coming into my industry as new talent would be a lot harder than I thought. I struggled with the idea that maybe I was waiting for opportunities that would never come, so I decided to stop waiting and put together this project.
The idea for Waiting came from a conversation with my professor John Larison and Audra Winslow and the execution of the project started with an instagram post.

From the post I got pitches and moved forward with the stories I thought would fit the theme and tone of the anthology best. The final line up of artists was:
◈ Audra Winslow ◈ Courtney Boone ◈ Hikari Kobayashi ◈ Rowan Fridley ◈ Alex Shammas ◈ Sara Stafford ◈ Rachel Suhs ◈ Jordan Scribner ◈ Nat Brownlee ◈ Mei Lian Hoe ◈ Jennifer Braunstein ◈ Sydney Sanders ◈ Tomas Vallecillo
Our cover was done by Hikari Kobayashi!

I then made our the Kickstarter page which required me to make my first ever video with after effects!
We were able to hit our goal and I moved on to the next steps of creating and distributing the rewards! The main one being the book which I made the pages for tho introduce the concept of “Waiting”.

A secondary reward tier involved drawn commissions of which I drew several.
Here are a few.